6 Ways Transphobia Directly Contributes to High Rates of Suicide in Trans Communities by Brynn Tannehill

6 Ways Transphobia Directly Contributes to High Rates of Suicide in Trans Communities

This is an excellent article. Naturally it dredged up some old memories. This contains a lot of truths. A few years ago… well, longer now… I was sitting in a barn one night in Virginia (where I lived), gun in hand. Depressed. The only reason I didn’t pull the trigger is that I was afraid the noise would scare my horses and they would hurt themselves trying to get out of the stalls. How about that. More concerned with my animals than me. The article even mentions Washington DC, which is where I worked at the time and was the cause of my depression. Ah, how time changes outlooks, huh.

I’m not sure if I even posted how I got from Washington DC to a little burg in Florida. Someday I’ll tell you. I used the experiences in my first book series “T-Girl in the Office.” At that time before my therapist would start hormone treatment, I had to live as a woman for a year. Horseshit! So before I could receive any treatment that might actually help feminize my features, and thus help me ‘pass’, I had to be a man-in-a-dress for a year?! What kind of thinking is that?

The good thing is… it lead to a 9-book series about those experiences LOL. So I got the last laugh! <laughing hysterically!>

T-Girl in the Office Bundle 3

In the Office Bundle 3This is my final book for 2015, although it’s just a compilation of the last three books in the series. T-Girl in the Office Book 1: The Beginning was my very first self-published book, published on July 10. (Counting this entry I have published 22 books this year.) I certainly had no idea T-Girl would go into nine installments! And I really had no idea that it would continue to sell. It’s been a blast writing this and getting to know these characters. There is a lot of autobiography woven in which has been a catharsis for me.

Bundle 3 is available on Amazon at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B01A1E8VM8. Here’s the blurb:

The final chapters in the story of Ashley and Pete have arrived. We start with an end of summer party at their beach house. They invite friends who pair up in the most delightful ways, from a ‘you show me yours and I’ll show you mine’ moment between Pete and a female impersonator, to a lesbian initiation on the beach.

The second installment is yet another party time as Pete and Ashlyn put new meaning to the traditional bachelor party. Ashlyn has her mother and friends to a risqué strip club at the same time Pete is having a lap dance to die for.

And finally, the day arrives. The wedding. It’s been a long time coming, but they managed to survive to reach this point – “I do”. The maid of honor gets made by the photographer while Pete and Ashlyn celebrate the beginning of their married life.

To all who have read this series, thank you. I hope you enjoyed it. And if so, I have another similar series, “The Trans and the Marine.” You can find the first installment at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B017OLXX42.

It Lives! T-Girl in the Office: Wedding Day

In the Office 9 Wedding DayThe 9th and final installment of T-Girl in the Office is now available on Amazon. This series has told the story of a trans woman who meets a cis man, falls in love, and begins a life together. It’s been fun to write. I have really grown to love these characters. Here’s the blurb for the book:

The big day has finally arrived for Ashlyn, the transwoman, and Pete, her cis fiancé. It has been a long road for them, from first meeting to falling in love, from a brutal attack to starting a new life together.

Their wedding day finds them in preparation for the ceremony. Melinda, Ashlyn’s best friend since childhood, has taken a shine to the photographer/videographer. She asks for some special, private photos. He is more than happy to provide such a service. But he quickly discovers she has much more in mind than a simple picture.

After the long day will our newlyweds have the energy for their first night together? Will they celebrate as man and wife or take an early night’s sleep? Ha! They will have rip-roaring sex!

Available for purchase at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B018IYXLFA

Wedding outfit for my character

corset_blanco_by_mejiaI’m having so much fun with T-Girl in the Office: Wedding Day. I just put the finishing touches to the description of what all Ashlyn is wearing. From Manolos to corset, the girl’s looking good! I so wanted the Jimmy Choos, but the Manolos were more elegant. <Sigh> I wish I had to make such a choice in real life!

Back to work

In the Office Wedding DayI’m putting the finishing touches on T-Girl in the Office: Wedding Day. I’ve waited long enough to get these two crazy kids hitched! This is my current cover. I change as time goes on, but this is its latest iteration.

This will probably be the final installment. There is one more possible… the honeymoon. I’ll decide based on how this one sells. I’ve been happy. It’s been small but steady sales/page reading, even when I created 2 bundles. With the completion of this installment I will be able to create a third bundle. Each bundle holds 3 installments.

I wonder if somewhere down the road I should put the three together. Something to ponder for the future.

Looking back at my first T-Girl in the Office book

In the Office 1 BeginningThe first installment is titled “The Beginning”. Clever, huh. This series tells the story of Pete and Ashlyn. Pete is a straight man, unhappy with his love life who decides to work the overnight shift by himself to avoid contact with others. He prefers the work, his computer, and solitude. Along comes Ashlyn, a transwoman hired to work with him. She is looking for solitude, too. Of course he doesn’t know she’s a trans. And that’s the fun. How does he find out? What does he do when he does find out?

I got all all carried away with this series. Initially it was just going to be two or three installments. But being the romantic I am I’ve taken these two through a series of events to the point I am now working on their wedding.

I received a 5-star Amazon review on this from a reviewer in Southern California who has produced 107 reviews:

“Hugely enjoyable well crafted series with great plot and character development. Interesting and surprising twists and turns and arousing stimulating erotica.”

Thanks to the reviewer for that. I particularly liked the ‘arousing stimulating erotica’ part! That what I write, my friends. I spend probably way too time thinking dirty thoughts. But they’re soooooo enjoyable.

I plan on writing reviews on my books and others in this blog. Hope to see y’all here.

Oh, and please forgive me for the inevitable mistakes I make in this blog. This is my first, and trying to figure out WordPress is making me a little nuts. I may have to slip off to watch some porn or something to clear my mind.

This book is available for purchase at http://www.amazon.com/dp/B011EOZ3Q6